Specific care instructions can be found on the product label or on the product sheet. In case of doubt, always consult these instructions.
Hand washing is the best way to take care of our knitwear. Wash in cold or lukewarm water (20° max). You can use a special wool detergent, preferably a liquid one. The piece should be washed gently, without pullin on the knit to avoid distorting it. Do not leave your sweater to soak for more than a few minutes to avoid felting. Rinse gently without ever wringing it (which could deform it).

Machine washing is possible when indicated on the care label. First of all, you need to make sure you meet certain conditions : check that your machine has ane effective wool program, with very gentle spinning, before washing your sweater. We recommend the use of a wash bag for all machine washes.
We recommend drying flat, on a towel and on a surface. Avoid pulling the mesh, even slightly, and bear in mind that the shape given before drying will remain the same once dry.
Ironing is not necessary if washing and drying have been carried out correctly. If you still wish to iron your sweater, please take the necessary precautions:

- Iron very gentle on the reverse side
- Do not press or crush the stitch
- Use a damp cloth